Bob Elliott

Bob Elliott fyller år måndag den 26 mars (95 år) och tillhör stjärntecknet Väduren.

Ett urval av de filmer som Bob Elliott medverkat i.

  • Cold Turkey
  • The Gnomes' Great Adventure
  • B.C. A Special Christmas
  • Between Time and Timbuktu
  • Quick Change
  • Author! Author!

Nyheter om Bob Elliott

Bob Elliott (comedian) – Wikipedia
Robert Brackett ”Bob” Elliott (March 26, 1923 – February 2, 2016) was an American actor and comedian, one-half of the comedy duo of Bob and Ray.He was the father of comedian/actor Chris Elliott and grandfather of actress and comedian Abby Elliott.
Bob Elliott, Half of the Deadpan Bob and Ray Comedy Team …
Bob Elliott, who as half of the comedy team Bob and Ray purveyed a distinctively low-key brand of humor on radio and television for more than 40 years, died on Tuesday at his home in Cundy’s Harbor, Me. He was 92. His death was confirmed by his son Chris Elliott, the actor and comedian, who said …
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