Elsie Janis

Elsie Janis skulle lördag den 16 mars fyllt 129 år. Tyvärr avled Elsie Janis 1956

Ett urval av de filmer som Elsie Janis medverkat i.

  • Behind the Lines
  • Women in War

Nyheter om Elsie Janis

Elsie Janis – Wikipedia
Elsie Janis (March 16, 1889 – February 26, 1956) was an American singer, songwriter, actress, and screenwriter. Entertaining the troops during World War I …
Elsie Janis – IMDb
Elsie Janis, Writer: Betty in Search of a Thrill. Actress, songwriter (”Love, Your Magic Spell Is Everywhere”), production supervisor and author. She performed in …
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